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281-290 of 292 documents < previous  |  next > 
281.   Republikflucht by Young People, Young Returnees, and New Arrivals in the Period from January to September 1960 (November 10, 1960)
Growing numbers of young people were among those who left the GDR for West Germany at the beginning of the 1960s. This report by the Working Group for Youth Questions within the Central Committee....
282.   Assessment of the 12th Plenum of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany on Getting Women to Take up Gainful Employment (1961)
At the beginning of the 1960s, the political pressure on GDR women to work outside the home continued unabated. In 1961, the Democratic Women’s League of Germany [Demokratischer Frauenbund Deutschlands],....
283.   The Character of Leisure Time in Capitalism and Socialism (1961)
In the face of economic difficulties, official propaganda in East Germany sought to emphasize the theoretical advantages of Socialism. That applied to the area of leisure as well. According to East....
284.   Finding Substitutes for West German Imports: Report from a Central Committee Brigade (March 16, 1961)
Constant shortages and supply bottlenecks in East Germany’s planned economy were one important reason for the mass exodus out of the GDR. On September 30, 1960, the government of the Federal Republic....
285.   Information on the Public Mood with Regard to Provisioning in Berlin and the District of Potsdam (May 19, 1961)
A few months before the closure of the inner-German border and the building of the Berlin Wall, the supply situation in East Berlin and Potsdam came in for serious criticism, once again, from the....
286.   The Causes of Migration to the West: Report from a Central Committee Brigade on Security Issues (May 24, 1961)
At the beginning of the 1960s, the exodus from the GDR to West Germany continued unabated. Issued a few months before the erection of the Berlin Wall, this May 1961 report by the Central Committee....
287.   "The Foreign Workers and Us," Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (June 3, 1961)
The author asks that the term “guest worker,” which was becoming more commonly used for foreign laborers, be taken seriously and that guest workers be treated courteously. In the workers’ countries....
288.   Report by the Central Women’s Committee (Bergmann-Borsig) on the Tenth Anniversary of the Women’s Committees (1962)
This report by the Central Women’s Committee [Zentraler Frauenausschuss] of the Bergmann-Borsig enterprise criticized the lack of women in its middle and upper management – a lack that persisted....
289.   The Age Distribution of Refugees from the Soviet Occupation Zone and the GDR (1949-1962)
The GDR leadership was particularly troubled by the number of young and working-age people who fled the republic, since their departure threatened the GDR economy and the future of the entire country.....
290.   Illustrations of Home Furnishings
Personal tastes in home furnishings changed in the 1950s. Opinion polls show that the popularity of traditional, massive, ornate furniture declined significantly in favor of modern, straightforward....
281-290 of 292 documents < previous  |  next >