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261-270 of 292 documents < previous  |  next > 
261.   The Berlin Ultimatum (November 27, 1958)
On November 27, 1958, the Soviet foreign ministry followed up on Khrushchev’s November 10th....
262.   "How Much Does a Date Cost?" (1959)
In the 1950s, West German youth had more and more disposable income. This article from Twen shows how much young men were spending on dates.
263.   Neues Deutschland: "Bachelor Paradise" (1959)
Housing forms changed in East and West in the 1950s. For single men, the room rented from a landlady disappeared. It was replaced by affordable, functional one-room apartments on the attic floors....
264.   The Guide to Home and Family: "Treasure Hunting in the Junk Room" (1958/59)
The 1950s not only saw the emergence of state-promoted “modern” living spaces and construction techniques, they also witnessed a change in private tastes in home furnishings. In 1958/59, The Guide....
265.   Hans Katzer on the Acquisition of Property among Workers: "The Promise Must be Kept…" (1959)
In West Germany, the social market economy was supposed to offer an attractive social alternative to both East German Socialism and unregulated capitalism. In 1959, CDU social politician Hans Katzer....
266.   Rhapsody in Blue Jeans (1959)
This brief and whimsical article in praise of blue jeans appeared in the first edition of the influential teen magazine Twen, which was published in the Federal Republic from 1959 until 1971.....
267.   The U.S. State Department Analyzes the Soviet Note on Berlin (January 7, 1959)
In response to the Soviet Union’s Berlin Ultimatum of November 27, 1958, and to Soviet charges....
268.   "To the Base – against Self-Satisfaction": Erwin Strittmatter’s Contribution to the Discussion at the Bitterfeld Conference [Excerpt] (April 24, 1959)
In April 1959, a literary conference was held at the cultural palace of the Bitterfeld Electrochemical Kombinat [combine] in the GDR. At the end of the conference, writers were given two demands:....
269.   Federal Minister Franz-Josef Wuermeling on the Indispensability of Mothers (Excerpt from a Speech on Mother’s Day, 1959)
The Christian-Democratic Federal Minister of Family Affairs, Franz-Josef Wuermeling, advocated a conservative-romantic conception of women and families, which saw “misfortune” in the dual burden....
270.   Statute of the Free German Youth (May 12-15, 1959)
Whereas the Free German Youth [Freie Deutsche Jugend or FDJ], the central mass organization for youth in the GDR, at least formally embraced independence and non-partisanship in its early....
261-270 of 292 documents < previous  |  next >