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241-250 of 292 documents < previous  |  next > 
241.   The Illegitimate Children of Members of the Occupying Forces in the Federal Republic and in West Berlin (1956)
In the mid-1950s, West Germany’s Federal Office of Statistics sought to collect reliable data on the children born since 1945 to German women and foreign occupation soldiers, mostly Americans. The....
242.   From the Memorandum by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs on "The Reasons for Our Declining Birth Rate" (1957)
In this 1957 memorandum, the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs took up the question of why a society in the midst of the “Economic Miracle” was experiencing a declining birth rate. The memo concluded....
243.   Ludwig Erhard, Prosperity for All (1957)
Ludwig Erhard (CDU), the popular West German Minister of Economics, is considered the “father of....
244.   The Federal Constitutional Court Rules on the Constitutionality of Paragraph 175 (1957)
In 1957, West Germany’s Federal Constitutional Court ruled on an appeals case brought by Günter R., a cook, and Oskar K., a merchant, both of whom had been found guilty of violating Paragraph 175....
245.   The Politburo’s Argumentation Guidelines on the Change in the Quality of Bread (January 29, 1957)
In the second half of the 1950s, the GDR government even found it difficult to supply the population with staple items. In January 1957, the government ordered that the percentage of rye in bread....
246.   Report of the Central Party Control Commission of the SED on the Emergence and Goals of the "Harich Group" (March 26, 1957)
In the 1950s, Communist intellectuals who did not follow the line of the SED came under increasing political pressure in the GDR. On December 1, 1956, Wolfgang....
247.   "Why is there no Opposition in the GDR?" (May 17, 1957)
Published at a time when intense persecution threatened anyone whose political views differed from those of the party, this article from the SED’s central organ Neues Deutschland (May 17,....
248.   Law on the Equality of Men and Women in the Area of Civil Law (June 18, 1957)
The changing role of women in postwar society paved the way for gender equality not only in the GDR but in the Federal Republic as well. In 1957, the relevant article in the Basic Law of 1949 was....
249.   Alfred Kurella on "The Influence of Decadence" (July 1957)
In 1957, the writer and SED cultural functionary Alfred Kurella criticized the fact that Socialist artists had still not made a sufficient break with the theories and forms of the modern visual arts,....
250.   Berlin Declaration by the Three Western Powers and the German Federal Republic on Reunification (July 29, 1957)
By July 1957, the firm integration of the GDR and the FRG into their respective alliance systems in East and West was a fact of life, and German reunification seemed to have slid into the distant....
241-250 of 292 documents < previous  |  next >