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221-230 of 292 documents < previous  |  next > 
221.   Renate Mayntz on What Motivates Women to Pursue a Career (1955)
Sociologist Renate Mayntz argued that women’s interest in gainful employment did not arise primarily from acute economic necessity; rather, in the case of married women, it arose from a desire for....
222.   Report by the SED Factory Party Organization at the VEB Bergmann-Borsig (1955)
The poor supply situation in the 1950s was a constant topic of conversation among East Germans, who often evoked West Germany as a direct point of comparison. This report by the SED party organization....
223.   Two Pledges for the Jugendweihe (1955/1958)
In the 1950s, the state and the Protestant Church in the GDR struggled over the issue of influence on East German youth. The SED regime used coercive measures to restrict the church’s youth work....
224.   Manifesto of the Paulskirche Meeting in Frankfurt (January 29, 1955)
After failure of the Stalin initiative of March 1952, Adenauer’s determination to bind the....
225.   The Warsaw Pact (May 14, 1955)
The Soviet attempt to prevent West German rearmament failed when the FRG acceded to the Western European Union (WEU) and NATO. The Kremlin reacted quickly, bringing the Soviet bloc together in the....
226.   "The Cultural League at Ten" – Lead Article in Neues Deutschland (July 2, 1955)
On the tenth anniversary of the Cultural League for the Democratic Renewal of Germany, the SED’s central organ Neues Deutschland celebrated the unity of the working class and the intelligentsia....
227.   "The Last Soldiers of the Great War": Article from Die Zeit (October 13, 1955)
One result of Chancellor Adenauer’s trip to Moscow in the fall of 1955 was the release of the last 10,000 German prisoners of war from Soviet labor camps. Their arrival at the Friedland reception....
228.   Interview with Louis Armstrong: "They Cross the Iron Curtain to Hear American Jazz" (December 1955)
In this interview with U.S. News & World Report, American jazz musician Louis Armstrong talks about jazz and its reception in Europe, even behind the Iron Curtain. Armstrong, who was then....
229.   "Italian Workers to Germany," Der Tagesspiegel (December 21, 1955)
This newspaper article addressed the practical details of the German-Italian agreement on the recruitment of foreign workers (so-called “guest workers”) for the German labor market. The guarantee....
230.   "Worker Treaty Rome – Bonn Signed," Frankfurter Rundschau (December 21, 1955)
In the mid-1950s, the booming German economy was no longer able to meet its need for workers, despite the stream of refugees from East Germany and the growing number of women in the workforce. At....
221-230 of 292 documents < previous  |  next >