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201-210 of 292 documents < previous  |  next > 
201.   Communiqué on the Meeting of the Council of Ministers of the German Democratic Republic (June 11, 1953)
In June 1953, the government of the GDR adopted the “New Course” [Neuer Kurs], a policy....
202.   From a Tribüne Article on Work Quota Increases (June 16, 1953)
On May 28, 1953, the GDR Council of Ministers ordered at least a 10% increase in work quotas to overcome the economic crisis and meet the targets of the first Five-Year....
203.   From a Statement by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the SED (June 16, 1953)
Under pressure from the growing protests in East Berlin, the Central Committee of the SED issued a statement on June 16, 1953. According to the statement, increased work quotas were still necessary....
204.   Statement by the Government of the GDR (June 17, 1953)
This GDR government statement on the construction workers’ protest in East Berlin on June 17, 1953, interpreted the unrest as “fascist” provocation directed by West Germany. To calm the situation,....
205.   "The Crimes of West Berlin Provocateurs" (June 18, 1953)
The day after the workers’ uprising on June 17, 1953, the SED’s central organ, Neues Deutschland,....
206.   "The Failed Adventures of Foreign Agents in Berlin" (June 18, 1953)
The day after the workers’ uprising on June 17, 1953, the SED’s central organ, Neues Deutschland,....
207.   Neues Deutschland: "This is the Face of the Fascist Spawn of Adenauer, Ollenhauer, Kaiser, and Reuter!" (June 21, 1953)
From the outset, the East German government blamed Western “provocateurs” for the workers’ uprising on June 17, 1953. This article, published a few days later in Neues Deutschland, listed....
208.   Secret Report of the Soviet Military Leadership on the Events of June 17-19, 1953 (June 24, 1953)
The Soviet military leadership in the GDR sent this secret report on the June 17th uprising to the government in Moscow. The report shows that the GDR government and the SED made serious political....
209.   Letter from Eisenhower to Adenauer on the Outcome of the Washington Conference (July 25, 1953)
Five weeks after the June 17th workers’ uprising in East Germany, U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower....
210.   From a Resolution Passed by the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party: The "New Course" and the Party’s Objectives (July 26, 1953)
On July 26, 1953, the Central Committee of the SED affirmed its “New Course” in economic policy. It was a move to ease the popular discontent that had become so apparent in the uprising of June 17,....
201-210 of 292 documents < previous  |  next >