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181-190 of 292 documents < previous  |  next > 
181.   Politburo Decision on the Work of the Ministry for State Security (March 18, 1952)
In the spring of 1952, the Politburo of the SED decided to expand and professionalize the work of the Ministry for State Security (MfS). Founded in 1950, the MfS was the secret service of the GDR.....
182.   Western Powers' Reply (March 25, 1952)
In March of 1952, neither the three Western powers nor the West German government were willing to abandon the Federal Republic’s ongoing integration into the West. The Western powers distrusted
183.   Western Declaration on Germany, the European Defense Community, and Berlin (May 27, 1952)
The signing of the European Defense Community (EDC) Treaty on May 27, 1952, gave the three Western Powers – France, Great Britain, and the U.S. – the opportunity to affirm their comprehensive security....
184.   The Position of the German Association of Women Academics on a Draft Version of the Equal Rights Law (August 1952)
The equality of men and women was enshrined in the Basic Law that was enacted in 1949. At the same time, however, a period of several years was granted for the adjustment of subsidiary laws, especially....
185.   Communiqué Regarding Restitution for Israel and the Jews (September 10, 1952)
The first West German compensation regulations at the state and, after 1949, federal levels made the receipt of benefits contingent upon residency in West Germany. Initially, this meant that a large....
186.   Monitoring Telephone Traffic with the Federal Republic (November 14, 1952)
In East Germany, the policy of sealing off the domestic population from Western contacts included the strict surveillance of telephone and mail traffic. At the end of 1952, the head of the Main Administration....
187.   The Position of the Marriage Law Commission of the Protestant Church in Germany on the Draft Version of a Family Law (December 1952)
The Protestant and Catholic churches were active participants in the West German debate in the early 1950s on reforming the provisions of the Civil Code that dealt with marriage and family law. The....
188.   Decree on the Creation of a New Ordinance to Secure the Rights of Recognized Victims of Nazi Persecution (1953)
In September 1952, the Federal Republic of Germany concluded a restitution agreement with Israel, whereby it pledged to pay billions of DM in compensation to Jewish victims of the Holocaust. Additionally,....
189.   Emil Schäfer on the Person and Tasks of the Federal Minister of Family Affairs (1953)
Following the electoral victory of a CDU-led Christian-bourgeois coalition in 1953, a new Federal Ministry for Family, Youth, and Health was set up. The government wanted to strengthen the family....
190.   Poem by Johannes R. Becher on the Death of Stalin (1953)
Johannes R. Becher was a member of the SED Party Executive Committee and the SED Central Committee from 1946 on; he served as GDR Minister of Culture from 1954 until his death in 1958. He composed....
181-190 of 292 documents < previous  |  next >