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141-150 of 292 documents < previous  |  next > 
141.   Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (1949/ Amendments 1956)
The Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany was adopted by the Parliamentary Council on May 8, 1949, and ratified during the week of May 16-22, 1949, by the legislatures of more than two thirds....
142.   The Social Democratic Party’s Housing Construction Program for the Western Occupation Zones (May/June, 1949)
After the destruction wrought by Allied bombing and the influx of millions of refugees and expellees from the Communist sphere of power, the housing shortage was among West Germany’s most pressing....
143.   Letter from the Military Governors to Dr. Konrad Adenauer, President of the Parliamentary Council, approving the Basic Law (May 12, 1949)
After another serious crisis in March 1949 between the Parliamentary Council and the Allies over the distribution of competencies between the federal government and the Länder in the future West....
144.   Statement by Konrad Adenauer at the Meeting of Military Governors, Representatives of the Parliamentary Council, and Minister Presidents (May 12, 1949)
On May 12, 1949, Christian-Democratic politician and president of the Parliamentary Council Konrad Adenauer thanked the Western military governors for their quick approval of the Basic Law. In doing....
145.   OMGUS (Office of Military Government, U.S.) Survey on the Greatest Worries of Germans in the American Zone (1945-49)
In October 1945, the Americans started conducting regular opinion polls in the American occupation zone to collect information on Germans’ moods and views. This table shows how Germans’ cares and....
146.   OMGUS Survey: The Public Compares Present and Past Economic Conditions (July 1949)
In July 1949, about half of Germans in the American zone assessed their economic conditions more positively than they had a year earlier. The currency reform of June 1948 and Marshall Plan aid from....
147.   The CDU and the "Social Market Economy": Düsseldorf Guidelines for Economic Policy, Agricultural Policy, Social Policy, and Housing (July 15, 1949)
By 1949, the idea of Christian Socialism had clearly lost influence within the CDU. In its stead, Konrad Adenauer, the chairman of the CDU in the British zone, advocated the “social market economy,”....
148.   Guidelines for School Policy for the German Democratic School (August 24, 1949)
The SED’s guidelines on school policy from August 24, 1949, made clear that schools in the future GDR were to play an important role in the creation of Socialist society, and that they had to adhere....
149.   Speech by Konrad Adenauer, Chancellor of the Federal Republic, at a Reception Given by the Allied High Commissioners (September 21, 1949)
The first parliamentary elections in the Federal Republic of Germany took place on August 14, 1949. On September 15, the German Bundestag elected CDU politician ....
150.   Announcement of the Impending Establishment of the German Democratic Republic (October 7, 1949)
Shortly after the founding of a new state in West Germany, a second German state was established in East Germany with Soviet help: ....
141-150 of 292 documents < previous  |  next >