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111.   "Equalization of Burdens Means Equalization of Wealth" (1948)
The equalization of burdens was a topic of much debate. At the end of the 1940s, West Germans discussed models that relied not on confiscations and the redistribution of existing wealth, but rather....
112.   Debate of the Bill by Deputy August Schwingenstein (CSU) and Others in the Bavarian Landtag [State Parliament] Concerning the Protection of Youth against Immoral Influences (1948)
Protecting youth in the face of the eroding authority of familial and social structures was a central topic of discussion in the postwar era. In March 1948, the many and varied causes of the crisis....
113.   Implementation Decree on the Creation and Procedures of Care Centers for Victims of Persecution in Hesse (1948)
Until April 1949, compensation in the Western zones was assigned on the basis of non-uniform state regulations. Issued in May 1948, these guidelines from the Hessian Interior Ministry make clear....
114.   Paul Merker to the Chairman of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, Wilhelm Pieck, on the Compensation Law in the Soviet Occupation Zone (1948)
Since the GDR, unlike the Federal Republic, refused to see itself as the legal successor to the “Third Reich,” it did not regard itself as similarly responsible for compensating for Nazi crimes.....
115.   Request for Permission to Move In (1948)
This request illustrates both the social difficulties and the bureaucratic obstacles faced by refugees from the East.
116.   The Editor-in-Chief of Die Zeit on the Nuremberg Trials (January 22, 1948) and the American Response (February 12, 1948)
Richard Tüngel, the conservative editor-in-chief of the weekly newspaper Die Zeit, sharply criticized the proceedings of the International....
117.   The "People’s Car" on New Paths (January 29, 1948)
In 1938, the National Socialists began building a large car manufacturing plant near Wolfsburg. The factory was supposed to produce the affordable “Volkswagen,” or “People’s Car,” for the masses.....
118.   OMGUS Survey of the Chief Cares and Worries since the Currency Reform (February-August 1948)
The currency reform that was carried out in June 1948 in the Western occupation zones and....
119.   OMGUS Survey of Expectations for the Marshall Plan (March 1948)
In a June 1947 speech at Harvard University, U.S. Secretary of State George C. Marshall outlined his plan for a far-reaching aid program for the European economy. In the spring of 1948, two-thirds....
120.   OMGUS Survey of Prejudice and Anti-Semitism (April 1948)
In the wake of the radical anti-Semitic policy of the Nazi regime and the Holocaust, the Allies carefully observed German attitudes toward the Jews after 1945. This poll, taken in April 1948, demonstrated....
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