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81-90 of 214 documents < previous  |  next > 
81.   Philipp Scheidemann against the Ratification of the Versailles Treaty (May 12, 1919)

82.   Versailles Treaty, Articles 27-30: Germany's Borders (June 28, 1919)

83.   Versailles Treaty, Articles 100-108: Free City of Danzig (June 28, 1919)

84.   Versailles Treaty, Articles 119-127: German Colonies (June 28, 1919)

85.   Versailles Treaty, Articles 159-163: Effectives and Cadres of the German Army (June 28, 1919)

86.   Versailles Treaty, Articles 231-238: Reparations (June 28, 1919)

87.   Arnold Brecht on the Versailles Treaty (Retrospective Account, 1966)
On June 16, 1919, the Entente powers presented Germany with an ultimatum: the government was to accept the Versailles Treaty or run the risk of invasion. The members of the German National Assembly....
88.   The Constitution of the German Empire of August 11, 1919 (Weimar Constitution)

89.   Hitler’s First Major Statement on Anti-Semitism: Reply to Adolf Gemlich (September 16, 1919)
After experiencing the November Revolution and the “Councils Republic” [Räterepublik], the Bavarian Reichswehr Group Commando No. 4, which was established on May 11, 1919, decided to keep....
90.   Albert Einstein, "What Is The Theory Of Relativity?" (November 28, 1919)
In this letter to the London Times, Albert Einstein offers his readers a characteristic mixture of straightforward yet erudite explanation, warmth, and humor. Einstein describes his theory....
81-90 of 214 documents < previous  |  next >