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181-190 of 214 documents < previous  |  next > 
181.   Hilde Walter, "Twilight for Women?" (1931)
Journalist Hilde Walter (1895-1976) was a social worker until 1918; later, she studied literature and art history and became a journalist after World War I. She wrote articles for Die Weltbühne,....
182.   Hjalmar Schacht on Reparations Requirements (1931)

183.   Arnold Brecht on Heinrich Brüning's Policy of Deflation (Retrospective Account, 1967)
After assuming the office of chancellor on March 29, 1930, Heinrich Brüning set out to consolidate the budget. At the same time, though, he deliberately exploited the economic crisis in an effort....
184.   Hjalmar Schacht, "The Colonial Question" (1931)

185.   Arnold Brecht on Heinrich Brüning and the National Socialists (Retrospective Account, 1967)
Heinrich Brüning, of whom Arnold Brecht had a positive opinion, only reluctantly and half-heartedly took action against the National Socialists. In view of the NSDAP’s successes in national and state....
186.   Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud, "Why War?" (1932)

187.   Edgar J. Jung, "Germany and the Conservative Revolution" (1932)
The “Conservative Revolution” was not a firmly established movement. It consisted of a number of nationalist writers and intellectuals – such as Arthur....
188.   Felix Gilbert on the Sexual Morals of the New Generation (Retrospective Account, 1988)
In this excerpt from his 1998 memoirs, German-American historian Felix Gilbert (1905-1991), who lived in Berlin until his emigration in 1933, describes his generation’s attitudes towards sexual identity....
189.   Harold Nicolson, "The Charm of Berlin" (1929)
During the Weimar era, vignettes about cities were commonly featured in feuilletons and newspaper supplements. Certain newspapers even had their own city correspondents, who were responsible, among....
190.   Lex Zwickau (1924) and Responses to It (January 1932)
In 1923, Gustav Boeters (1869-1942), a medical officer in Zwickau, revealed that he and other surgeons had been sterilizing the mentally handicapped without their consent. Seeking legal sanction....
181-190 of 214 documents < previous  |  next >