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161-170 of 214 documents < previous  |  next > 
161.   Report of the Commissioner of the Reichsbank (December 10, 1928)

162.   Elsa Herrmann, This is the New Woman (1929)
Elsa Herrmann (1893-?) first trained and worked as a teacher at the Höhere Israelitische Bürgerschule [Israelite Secondary School] in Leipzig before she earned a Ph.D. in law from Leipzig....
163.   Emil Fackenheim on His Jewish Education in the 1920s (Retrospective Account)

164.   Frank Warschauer, "The Future of Opera on the Radio" (1929)
On June 8, 1921 – well before regular radio programs began airing in Germany – a performance of Giacomo Puccini’s Madam Butterfly was broadcast from the Berlin State Opera. It was the first....
165.   Friedrich von Bodelschwingh, Lecture in Lübeck on Questions Relating to Eugenics (1929)
In this 1929 lecture, Protestant theologian and public health advocate Friedrich von Bodelschwingh....
166.   Helene Stöcker, "Marriage as a Psychological Problem" (1929)
In 1905, pacifist, women’s rights advocate, and sexual reformer Helene Stöcker (1869-1943) co-founded the Bund für Mutterschutz und Sexualreform [Association for the Protection of Mothers....
167.   Hilde Walter, "The Misery of the New Mittelstand" (1929)
Hilde Walter (1895-1976) was a social worker until 1918. After World War I she became a journalist in Berlin. In this article published in Die Weltbühne she describes the social circumstances....
168.   Lola Landau, "The Companionate Marriage" (1929)
German-Jewish writer Lola (Leonore) Landau (1892-1990) was best known as a poet, but she also wrote plays, radio plays, and articles for various publications. This article appeared in Die Tat,....
169.   Max Brod, "Women and the New Objectivity" (1929)
This essay by writer and critic Max Brod (1884-1968) was included in the publication Die Frau von Morgen, wie wir sie wünschen [The Woman of the Future as We Wish Her to Be] (1929),....
170.   Otto Steinicke, "A Visit to a New Apartment" (1929)

161-170 of 214 documents < previous  |  next >