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151-160 of 214 documents < previous  |  next > 
151.   Kurt Weill on Bertolt Brecht (1927)
Kurt Weill (1900-1950) grew up in a bourgeois Jewish family and received an elite education at the Berliner....
152.   Hjalmar Schacht on the Stabilization of the Mark (Retrospective Account, 1927)

153.   Anita, "Sex Appeal: A New Catchword for an Old Thing" (1928)
In the 1920s, German society and culture were greatly influenced by the United States, then the epitome of modernism. The extent of this influence became evident in the numerous Anglicisms introduced....
154.   Kurt Tucholsky, "Berlin and the Provinces" (1928)
Berlin was the capital of both the German Reich and Prussia, the Reich’s largest and most populous state [Land]. In the mid-1920s, Berlin had a population of four million and was by far the....
155.   Paul Schultze-Naumburg, "Art and Race" (1928)

156.   Paula von Reznicek, "The Hand on the Wheel" (1928)
Paula von Reznicek (1895-1976) was an internationally-ranked tennis player, journalist, and writer. In 1928, she published Resurrection....
157.   Stefan George, "The Light" (1928)
Many of the poems included in The New Empire [Das neue Reich] were originally published between 1914 and 1919 in Blätter für die Kunst, the literary magazine founded by Stefan....
158.   Students by Discipline and Chosen Major (1928 and 1936/37)

159.   Stefan George, "Man and Faun" (1928)
Many of the poems included in The New Empire [Das neue Reich] were originally published between 1914 and 1919 in Blätter für die Kunst, the literary magazine founded by Stefan....
160.   Theodor Heuss, "Democracy and Parliamentarism: Their History, Their Enemies, and Their Future" (1928)
The interwar years saw a number of dictatorships emerge throughout Europe; the international community took great interest in developments in Italy, where a fascist government took power in October....
151-160 of 214 documents < previous  |  next >