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111-120 of 214 documents < previous  |  next > 
111.   Morgan Philips Price on Inflation and its Effects (October 18, 1923)

112.   Betty Scholem on Anti-Semitism in Berlin (November 20, 1923)
In the crisis-ridden years after World War I, anti-Semitic attacks were carried out in many cities in Germany. During the period of hyperinflation, some of these attacks escalated into pogrom-like....
113.   Emil Fackenheim Recalls His Childhood and Youth in Halle, 1916-1933 (Retrospective Account)

114.   Gershom Scholem on his Studies in Munich (Retrospective Account, 1977)
During the 1920s, topics of Jewish interest were typically pursued in other departments at German universities, including departments of Protestant and Catholic theology and of Oriental and Semitic....
115.   Hugo Bettauer, "The Erotic Revolution" (1924)
This text appeared on the title page of the first edition of the magazine Er und Sie. Wochenschrift für Lebenskultur und Erotik [He and She. Weekly Magazine for Lifestyle and Eroticism].....
116.   Morgan Philips Price on German Fascism (January 1924)
Morgan Philips Price was the London Daily Herald correspondence in Germany between 1919 and 1923. While living in Berlin, he witnessed much of the violence during the early years of the Weimar....
117.   Hitler’s Speech at the Putsch Trial (February 1924)
After the failed putsch of November 8/9, 1923, Hitler, Ludendorff and eight co-defendants were put on trial for high treason at the People’s Court in Munich. The proceedings were held from February....
118.   Ernst Bloch, "Hitler’s Force" (April 1924)
Shortly after the sentencing in Adolf Hitler’s trial in Munich, Marxist philosopher and publisher Ernst Bloch attempted to explain Hitler’s popularity and appeal in the independent weekly Das....
119.   The Dawes Report (1924)

120.   Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung: "Enough is Enough! Against the Masculinization of Women" (1925)
This article, which was printed in the Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung in March 1925, attacks the appearance of the “New....
111-120 of 214 documents < previous  |  next >