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91.   The Mobilization of the Countryside: Program of the Agrarian League [Bund der Landwirte] (1912 version)
The Agrarian League's political program is characterized by a combination of narrow interests and lofty rhetoric concerning the general welfare. The League promoted protectionist agricultural policies,....
92.   The German Naval Office and Public Opinion (September 24, 1900)
To support the construction of a German battle fleet, the German Naval Office established a News Office. It rallied popular sentiment, employing a range of “modern” techniques, such as planting articles....
93.   Reich Chancellor Bernhard von Bülow’s "New Year's Eve Letter" (December 31, 1906)
Anticipating the coming Reichstag elections, Reich Chancellor Bernhard von Bülow (1849-1929) outlines....
94.   The Erfurt Program (1891)
Although the following reform program, enacted at an Erfurt assembly in 1891, continues to call for revolution, it also provides evidence of a new practical orientation within the Socialist Party....
95.   Socialist "Revisionism": The Immediate Tasks of Social Democracy (1899)
Eduard Bernstein (1850-1932) was a leader of the Socialist Party and the main proponent of the "revisionist"....
96.   Socialist "Radicalism": Rosa Luxemburg’s "Social Reform or Revolution?" (1899)
Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919) was born into a middle-class Jewish family in Russian Poland. Her defense....
97.   A Police Officer Reports on Workers in a Hamburg Tavern (1898-1909)
The following documents present workers in their own social milieu at the turn of the century. The conversations reported by this Hamburg police officer testify to the tense relations between workers....
98.   Germanization Policy: Speech by Ludwik Jazdzewski in a Session of the Prussian House of Representatives (January 15, 1901)
During the Kulturkampf, Bismarck designated the Poles living in Prussian territory....
99.   A German Voice of Opposition to Germanization (1914)
The founding of the German Empire under Prussian leadership in 1871 created the need for policies that would unite Germans culturally, politically, and symbolically. Separate ethnic and linguistic....
100.   Foreign Jews in Total Jewish and Alien Populations (1910)
Large numbers of Jews emigrated from Eastern Europe to Germany and Austria-Hungary at the turn of the century. Drawn by economic opportunities in cities like Berlin and Vienna, these Jews had little....
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