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61.   Rainer Maria Rilke, Duino Elegies [First, Second, and Third] (1912)
In 1912, during an extended stay at the home of Princess Marie von Thurn und Taxis-Hohenlohe, the Castle Duino near Trieste, Rainer....
62.   Otto Brahm, "The People’s Free Stage" (1890)
The Freie Volksbühne [“People’s Free Stage”] was founded in March 1890 as a proletarian theater by Bruno Wille (1860-1928). It was designed as a “social democratic” form of theater to cater....
63.   Oskar Panizza, The Council of Love (1895)
Oskar Panizza (1854-1921) was jailed for writing the play The Council of Love (1895), a scathing critique of the Catholic Church, which was first performed only at the end of his lifetime.....
64.   Preservation and Nature Conservation: Law against the Deformation of Villages and Regions with Exceptional Landscapes (July 15, 1907)
Historic preservation and nature conservation were two powerful forces that went hand-in-hand in Wilhelmine Germany. During this period, a number of associations and clubs were founded to protect....
65.   Paul Schultze-Naumburg and the Domestic Appreciation of Art (1900)
The improvement of everyday life was a prominent concern among educators in Wilhelmine Germany. In 1900, Paul Schultze-Naumburg (1869-1949), a teacher, architect, graphic artist, and critic, led....
66.   "Vigor and Beauty": Monthly Magazine of the Society for Physical Culture (1906)
The improvement of everyday life was a matter of great concern in Wilhelmine society. Nudism and physical fitness found support in associations and clubs like the Society for Physical Culture. Many....
67.   Julius Langbehn, Rembrandt as Educator (1890)
Julius Langbehn (1851-1907) earned a doctorate in art history and archaeology in 1880 but never managed to secure a university position – a situation no doubt attributable to his difficult personality,....
68.   Ferdinand Tönnies, Community and Society (1887). Preface to the 2nd edition (1912)
The excerpt that follows is from the preface to the second edition (1912) of a classic text by sociologist Ferdinand....
69.   Max Weber, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1905)
Trained as a lawyer, Max Weber (1864-1920) was a political economist and one of the founders of modern sociology. In....
70.   Georg Simmel, "The Metropolis and Mental Life" (1903)
Georg Simmel (1858-1918) was a singular figure in the German intellectual landscape. An active member....
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