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41-50 of 196 documents < previous  |  next > 
41.   Rural Piety (1905)
In the rituals of piety in a Silesian Catholic village, one glimpses the hierarchies of village life as they were reflected in the church service and the binding power of communal rituals.
42.   Protestant Theology through Catholic Eyes (1902)
A Catholic theologian criticizes his Protestant contemporaries for failing to connect with their congregants and permitting divergent theological opinions. Catholics often viewed Protestants as secular....
43.   Society of Saint Charles Borromeo (1900)
Here we see the bylaws of an association dedicated to promoting “good reading” among German Catholics. In the Wilhelmine era, associations such as this one were the basis of German civil society.....
44.   Appeal of the Westphalian Secessionists (1893)
The confessional division between Catholics and Protestants also translated into political action. In Wilhelmine Germany, elections allowed Catholics to contest the Kulturkampf....
45.   Songs of the Cologne Catholic Workers' Clubs (1896-1899)
The theories of Marx and the Social Democrats were less attractive to working-class Catholics than other population groups. This difference resulted in part from the ability of Catholic doctrine....
46.   Walther Rathenau, "Hear, O Israel!" (1897)
Walter Rathenau (1867-1922), the son of the founder of the Allgemeine....
47.   A General Assembly of German Israelites (1893)
In the 1890s, anti-Semitism was on the rise in Europe. The Dreyfus Affair of the mid-1890s highlighted the discrimination and hatred faced by Jews in France. Alfred Dreyfus (1859-1935), a Jewish....
48.   Theodor Herzl meets Wilhelm II in Jerusalem (1898)
As the founder of the Zionist movement, Theodor Herzl (1860-1904) sought to create a nation-state for European Jews in the wake of the resurgent anti-Semitism of the 1890s. An Austrian Jew and the....
49.   Wilhelm II, "True Art" (1901)
This speech on “true art” evinces the social and cultural conservatism of Wilhelm II (1859-1941). As German emperor and public figure, Wilhelm never hesitated to make his opinions known. The 1901....
50.   Hans Rosenhagen, "National Art in Berlin" (1897)
The academicism of Prussian court painter Anton von Werner (1843-1915) eschewed all modern currents....
41-50 of 196 documents < previous  |  next >