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181-190 of 196 documents < previous  |  next > 
181.   Wilhelm II's "Easter Message" (April 7, 1917)
Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg’s (1856-1921) “new orientation” challenged the entrenched interests....
182.   "Patriotic Enlightenment" (May 10, 1917)
By 1917, enthusiasm for the war was waning. Fearing the spread of the Independent Social Democratic Party (USPD), which called for an immediate peace, the German military sought to provide “enlightenment”....
183.   Erich Ludendorff vs. Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg (July 1917)
As chancellor, Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg (1856-1921) was generally a voice of moderation, particularly....
184.   Chancellor Michaelis’ Interpretation of the Peace Resolution (July 19, 1917)
The impending passage of the Peace Resolution was a painful sign to the military leadership of Chancellor Theobald....
185.   The Reichstag’s Peace Resolution (July 19, 1917)
Discussions of Germany’s aims during the war were wedded to visions of what the country’s political institutions would look like after the war. In issues of domestic politics, the Catholic party....
186.   The German Fatherland Party (September 1917)
In the early summer of 1917, amid mounting skepticism about the success of the submarine offensive, Catholics in the Reichstag turned to the left, to join the Progressives and the Majority....
187.   Rationing in Practice: Queuing for Food (October 1917)
The system of rationing was far from adequate for the basic needs of the German population. The impact of the blockade and the resulting critical shortages in basic areas transformed consumption....
188.   The Majority Parties Request Parliamentary Rule (October 1917)
In the wake of the defiant “Peace Resolution” in July of 1917, the newly allied parties of Catholics, Progressives, and Majority Socialists gathered strength. This new majority was joined by the....
189.   The Call for a More Moderate Peace (December 4, 1917)
The Fatherland Party quickly provoked the establishment of a counter-organization, the “People’s League for Freedom and Fatherland,” which embraced more moderate war aims and domestic reform at home.....
190.   The Black Market (August 1916 and April 1918)
The black market survived as the competitor to the administered food supply. The forces of supply and demand thrived here, and practically any foodstuff could be found — for a price. The prolongation....
181-190 of 196 documents < previous  |  next >