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171-180 of 196 documents < previous  |  next > 
171.   Rosa Luxemburg: War and the Working Class (January 1916)
In late 1914, Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919) and other radical socialists broke with the Social Democrats over the war, which....
172.   The Hindenburg Program (1916)
The Hindenburg Program called for the more efficient use of scarce resources for the war effort. Not only would the number of soldiers help determine the course of the war; the domestic economy’s....
173.   Dancing the Polonaise (August 1916)
This letter from a local magistrate illustrates the tensions between authorities and civilians over the short supply of food in the city of Magdeburg. The resentments of urban consumers were first....
174.   Auxiliary Service Law (December 1916)
The Auxiliary Service Law represented the most lasting outcome of the Hindenburg Program. The....
175.   The German "Peace Offer" (December 5, 1916)
Although their armies were locked in combat, the belligerent sides remained in almost constant diplomatic contact throughout the war. The most important prelude to the flurry of activity in 1917....
176.   Bethmann Hollweg on Constitutional Reform (March 1917)
By March of 1917, the growing turmoil on the left had convinced the Chancellor that some gesture toward reform was essential. In this spirit, he embraced the idea of a “new orientation” in German....
177.   The Impact on Popular Morale (March 1917)
The command economy meant that the state was the public arbiter of hunger. It was also a symbol of the problem. Bureaucratic imperiousness and incompetence were convenient, omnipresent targets of....
178.   War Bonds (March 1917)
The German war effort was financed largely through war bonds, which were issued biannually throughout the war. Each time....
179.   Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg on the Effects of the Russian Revolution (March 28, 1917)
The Russian Revolution in March of 1917 had an electrifying effect in Germany: it removed the Russian autocracy, the bogey that had persuaded the German Socialists to support the war in 1914. Also,....
180.   The Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany: Guiding Principles (April 1917)
The growth of grassroots labor protest accompanied the split of the Social Democratic party. In March 1916, the majority of the Socialists in the Reichstag, who had lost their patience with....
171-180 of 196 documents < previous  |  next >