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111.   Social Democratic Tactics: Georg von Vollmar (1891)
When state persecution came to an end in 1891, the Social Democratic Party looked for a practical as well as an ideological way forward. The influential Bavarian party leader Georg von Vollmar (1850-1922)....
112.   Rosa Luxemburg, "Does Germany Need Colonies?" (1899)
With the help of trade statistics, Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919) simply asks whether acquiring German colonies was really....
113.   The Kaiser on Southwest Africa: Reichstag Speech by Wilhelm II (November 28, 1905)
In January 1904, a revolt by native Africans began against German colonial rule in Southwest Africa (Namibia). The revolt was led by a Herero tribe, which overran several settlements, killing over....
114.   Bernhard von Bülow Dissolves the Reichstag over the Colonial Issue (December 13, 1906)
Bernhard von Bülow (1849-1929) had governed Germany since 1900 with a coalition of conservatives, liberals, and Catholics.....
115.   The Kaiser Opens the Reichstag (1907)
Wilhelm II opens the new Reichstag in 1907 with a speech celebrating the violent suppression of the rebellion in German Southwest Africa.
116.   The Fleet and Anglo-German Relations: Rear Admiral Tirpitz to Admiral von Stosch (February 13, 1896)
Alfred von Tirpitz (1849-1930) was Admiral of the German navy and chief architect of the massive increase in naval armaments....
117.   The "Risk Fleet:" Excerpt from a Draft Memo from the Budget Department of the Imperial Naval Office (February 1900)
The central premise of Alfred von Tirpitz’s “Risk Fleet” was that the German navy had to be large enough for an opposing....
118.   The Goals of the German Battle Fleet: Vice Admiral Eduard von Capelle (October 1911)
German naval leaders assumed that a strong navy would give Germany political leverage over Great Britain. This turned out to be a fatal miscalculation – the Anglo-French entente (begun in 1904)....
119.   England and the German Fleet: Alfred von Tirpitz looks back on the Naval Race (1920)
In his memoirs, Alfred von Tirpitz (1849-1930) looks back on the arms race that led up to World War I. He faults both....
120.   Strength of the German Army (1890-1914)
While the navy was the focus of increased popular attention after 1897, the army underwent slower growth. It registered increases in the number of officers and non-commissioned officers, but its....
111-120 of 196 documents < previous  |  next >