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101-110 of 196 documents < previous  |  next > 
101.   A Constitution for Alsace-Lorraine (1911)
The province of Alsace-Lorraine had no constitution and was subject to direct Prussian administration. This situation was unsatisfactory for the local population and also helped preserve French animosity....
102.   Statutes of the Pan-German League [Alldeutscher Verband] (1903)
The Pan-German League [Alldeutscher Verband] was one of the most prominent and aggressive interest groups in Wilhelmine Germany. Although other associations, including the German....
103.   The Inevitability of War: General Friedrich von Bernhardi (1912)
General Friedrich von Bernhardi’s (1849-1930) writing reflects a widespread belief among the educated, non-socialist middle classes that Germany deserved more influence and respect, in accordance....
104.   Terminating the Reinsurance Treaty with Russia (1890)
The Reinsurance Treaty, a secret treaty between Russia and Germany signed in 1887, was an....
105.   Bernhard von Bülow's "Dynamic" Foreign Policy (December 11, 1899)
Bernhard von Bülow (1849-1929) was Reich chancellor from 1900 to 1909. In this speech before the Reichstag,....
106.   Perceptions of German Foreign Policy in England (January 1, 1907)
The following document, a memorandum from Eyre Crowe (1864-1925) of the British Foreign Office, draws attention to the tensions between Germany and Great Britain that resulted from Germany’s 1897....
107.   Alfred von Kiderlen-Wächter on his Foreign Policy Goals (1911)
Germany used a diplomatic dispute with France over the status of Morocco to force concessions from France in the Congo. German diplomats such as Alfred von Kiderlen-Wächter, who was foreign minister....
108.   Anglo-German Treaty [Heligoland-Zanzibar Treaty] (July 1, 1890)
This treaty temporarily settled colonial disputes between Germany and Great Britain. It recognized Tanganyika as a German colony; in return, the Germans abstained from further encroaching into British....
109.   Bernhard von Bülow on Germany's "Place in the Sun" (1897)
Bernhard von Bülow (1849-1929), who served as Reich chancellor from 1900 to 1909, gave his famous speech....
110.   An "Unequal Treaty": Lease Agreement between China and the German Empire (March 6, 1898)
German colonial ambitions eventually extended to East Asia. After occupying Kiaochow Bay, the German....
101-110 of 196 documents < previous  |  next >