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71.   Socialist View of the Results of the Free Market Economy: Excerpt from Ferdinand Lassalle's "Open Letter" (1863)
In his “Open Letter” (1863), written at the request of a Leipzig workers’ committee, socialist leader ....
72.   The Socialists: Ferdinand Lassalle: Excerpt from "Open Letter" (1863)
In his famous "Open Letter in Response to the Central Committee for the Calling of a General German Workers' Congress in Leipzig" (1863), the influential socialist leader ....
73.   Austrian Memorandum (1863)
In July 1863, to gain the support of individual German states in order to prevent the formation of a "small German"-Prussian nation-state, the Austrian government offered a proposal for the reform....
74.   Catholic View of the Economy: Excerpts from Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler's "The Labor Question and Christianity" (1864)
An influential Catholic bishop who advocated Christian social ideas, Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler....
75.   Helmuth von Moltke: Memoradum on the Possible War between Prussia and Austria (1866)
In a memorandum from April of 1866 about the possible war between Prussia and Austria, Moltke describes the most efficient movement of troops to the front. As he explains, the efficient use of railways....
76.   Daniel Schenkel: Excerpts from The German Protestant Association (1868)
The Professor of Theology Daniel Schenkel (1813-1885) of the University of Heidelberg was a leading proponent of liberal Protestantism and co-founder of the German Protestant Association (1865).....
77.   First Feminist Efforts: Statutes of the General German Women's Association (1865)
Founded in 1865, the General German Women's Association aimed to foster women's education and to prepare them for employment – goals that challenged the traditional view of women. The association....
78.   Speech by Louise Otto, Presiding Officer [erste Vorsitzende] of the General German Women's Association at its Third General Assembly (1869)
In her report to the third general assembly of the General German Women's Association (1869), presiding officer ....
79.   Memorandum from the Ministry of State of the Duchy of Nassau (1822)
In 1822, the Duchy of Nassau issued the following memorandum on the subject of residence and marriage rights for the Jewish population. Though describing in some detail the distinctiveness of Jews....
80.   Founding of the Promotion for the Encouragement of Employment Qualification among Members of the Female Sex (Retrospective, 1891)
The passage from this 1891 retrospective of the Association for the Promotion of Employment Qualification among Members of the Female Sex, published on the occasion of its 25th anniversary, describes....
71-80 of 81 documents < previous  |  next >