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71.   The CDU Adopts a Neoliberal Party Program (February 23, 1994)
In response to changes in elite opinion, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) proposed a new party program during its Hamburg Congress. The program embraced neoliberal ideas, shifting the rhetorical....
72.   The Government Offers an Explanation for Xenophobia (March 2, 1994)
Alarmed by the violence against foreigners, the CDU-FDP government issued a report that blamed xenophobic incidents on teen unemployment and nationalism in the Eastern states. The only potential....
73.   Administrative Assistance (June 17, 1994)
The author, an employee of the Ministry of the Interior, examines the administrative assistance given to the new Länder by West German civil servants. He arrives at a positive assessment but....
74.   The Red Socks (June 24, 1994)
The unexpected success of the successor party to the SED, the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS),....
75.   Municipal Policy in Halle (May 29, 1994)
The following document is a transcript of conversation between Deutschlandfunk, a national news and current affairs radio station based in Cologne, and Klaus Rauen, the lord mayor of Halle. Rauen,....
76.   Landmark Decision on Foreign Deployments of the Bundeswehr (July 12, 1994)
After the federal government approved foreign deployments of the Bundeswehr in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Somalia in 1993, the FDP, and later the SPD, filed complaints with the Federal Constitutional....
77.   The Agony of Choice (October 14, 1994)
Days before the October 1994 Bundestag elections, Theo Sommer, publisher of the liberal weekly Die Zeit, analyzes the mood in Germany. Sommer notes that many citizens were having a hard time....
78.   Abortion in Unified Germany (1995)
The abortion law for united Germany was passed in 1992. Only a year later, the Federal Constitutional Court ruled that major passages of the law were unconstitutional. As a result, the law had to....
79.   The Federal Republic in Central and Eastern Europe (February 17, 1995)
In a speech delivered in Prague in 1995, Czech president Václav Havel broached the difficult subject of German-Czech reconciliation and discussed the important....
80.   The Writer Monika Maron Comments on the Popularity of Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s Wrapped Reichstag (July 3, 1995)
The East German writer Monika Maron was pleasantly surprised by the effect of Cristo and Jeanne-Claude’s wrapped....
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