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31.   Results of the Volkskammer Election (March 18, 1990)
The Volkskammer election returns revealed overwhelming support for unification and a clear majority for a rapid monetary union. The "Alliance for Germany," led by the CDU, won a surprising....
32.   Election Victory for the "Alliance" (March 19, 1990)
Die Tageszeitung (taz), a left-of-center West Berlin newspaper, describes the extent of the conservative victory in the first free elections in GDR history. The article quotes surprised politicians....
33.   Charles Krauthammer on International Fears of Unification (March 26, 1990)
The conservative American columnist Charles Krauthammer discusses the international anxiety about the restoration of a united Germany, especially in Poland and Israel. He downplays the military and....
34.   Measures to Reduce the Influx of Ethnic German Remigrants (March 29, 1990)
In order to curb the number of ethnic German remigrants moving to the Federal Republic, Minister of the Interior Wolfgang Schäuble pushed for a law that would....
35.   Lothar de Maizière's Government Program (April 19, 1990)
Prime Minister Lothar de Maizière of the CDU presents his government program to the newly elected Volkskammer. He focuses on rapid unification but also....
36.   The State Treaty between the FRG and the GDR on the Creation of a Monetary, Economic, and Social Union (May 18, 1990)
In order to regulate the conversion from a planned to a market economy, the governments of the GDR and the FRG negotiated a treaty on the creation of a monetary, economic, and social union. The treaty....
37.   Party Mergers (July 6, 1990)
The author discusses the differences between the parties in the Eastern and Western parts of the country and describes the problems presented by their impending merger. The challenges include disparities....
38.   Unification and Property Issues (June 15, 1990)
The regulation of property issues was among the most important topics in the negotiations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic in the summer of 1990. The principle....
39.   The Privatization of the GDR Economy (June 17, 1990)
In June 1990, the GDR Volkskammer passed the so-called Treuhandgesetz [Trusteeship Law]. It regulated the restructuring of the planned economy into a free market economy and the privatization....
40.   Unions in a Reunified Germany (June 20, 1990)
In the summer of 1990, the end of the GDR unions was already preordained. The Western negotiating partners differed in their approach to dealing with them, however. The expansion of the Western unions....
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