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181-190 of 211 documents < previous  |  next > 
181.   Conflicting Opinions on the Success of the "Junior Professorship" (July 13, 2006)
In this newspaper article, a journalist sums up the controversial debate sparked by a study conducted by the Center for Higher Education Development [Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung or CHE]....
182.   Germany as a Middle Power (September/October 2006)
A self-assured middle power, argues political scientist Herfried Münkler, fulfills its international obligations while pursuing its own national interests and constantly strives to safeguard its....
183.   Pope Benedict XVI visits his Native Bavaria (September 10, 2006)
Die Zeit, a liberal weekly, reports on the emotional second visit of Pope Benedict XVI to....
184.   Weariness with Politics (October 2, 2006)
For the author of this article, the chief problem of the new German division is not the division between East and West, but the differences between regions within the new Länder. West Germany,....
185.   A Folk Music Television Show Sentimentalizes Rural Germany (2006)
Two journalists describe the last on-stage appearance of folk music television show host Karl Moik.....
186.   A Journalist Discusses the Results of the "Competition for Excellence" among Universities (October 19, 2006)
A journalist reports on the mainly positive response to the federal government’s “Competition for Excellence.” The goal of the competition is to improve the performance of German universities by....
187.   Foreign Deployment (November 2, 2006)
In November 2006, Corporal Björn Uwe Schulz was about to become one of nearly 9,000 Bundeswehr soldiers stationed abroad. A reporter for the weekly newspaper Die Zeit followed him during the....
188.   The Mother of All Reforms (November 8, 2006)
After years of negotiations, the Bundestag and the Bundesrat passed the first part of the so-called federalism reform in the summer of 2006. The history of the reform effort and the most important....
189.   One Year of the Grand Coalition (November 20, 2006)
After a year in office, the Grand Coalition’s record was mixed. Although Chancellor Angela Merkel had clear majorities in the Bundestag and the Bundesrat, she....
190.   The Greens after the Change in Government (November 21, 2006)
Dietmar Huber, press spokesman for the parliamentary faction of Alliance 90/The Greens from 1994 to early 2006, analyzes why the Greens had such a hard time in the opposition. After Joschka....
181-190 of 211 documents < previous  |  next >