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131-140 of 211 documents < previous  |  next > 
131.   Europe and the United States (May 31, 2003)
This manifesto by French philosopher Jacques Derrida and German sociologist and philosopher Jürgen Habermas had special significance in the European debate on....
132.   The Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Federal States Decides to Introduce B.A. and M.A. Degree Programs (June 12, 2003)
In response to the Bologna Declaration, which aimed to harmonize educational structures throughout Europe, the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Federal....
133.   An East German Writer Deplores GDR Nostalgia (2003)
East German writer Thomas Brussig criticizes German television networks for trying to boost their ratings with “Ostalgie....
134.   An East German School Official Reports on her Experiences during the Wende (October 1, 2003)
A school official in the Marzahn-Hellersdorf district of East Berlin describes the legacy of the GDR dictatorship in the East German education system, analyzes the various challenges associated with....
135.   Property and Justice (February 19, 2004)
Richard Schröder had been elected to the GDR Volkskammer in 1990 as a member of the SPD. In the face of yet another flare-up in the debate on how to deal....
136.   Hopes and Fears on the Eve of Eastern EU Expansion (April 26, 2004)
The author of this article emphasizes the historical significance that the Eastern expansion of the EU held for the cultural and political integration of Europe. He also explains, however, that experts....
137.   Dismissed East German Faculty Members Make up a "Second Academic Culture" (May 15, 2004)
According to a study by the Institute for Higher Education Research (HoF) in Halle, East German academics and researches were the “losers of the Wende [i.e. transformation].” After the fall....
138.   The Economic Rebuilding of the East under Fire (June 28, 2004)
Against the backdrop of an intensive discussion about the economic future of the new Länder, the Gesprächskreis Ost [Roundtable East] recommended a change of course. According....
139.   A Summary of the Immigration Act of July 30, 2004 (Press Report, 2004)
After years of political conflict, the red-green government succeeded in passing a reform that made it easier for well-qualified migrants to immigrate, permitted the entry of certain others on humanitarian....
140.   Chinese Tourists Enjoy a Speed Rush on the Autobahn (July 22, 2004)
A German reporter follows five Chinese tourists who come to Germany to drive Mercedes-Benz cars on the Autobahn without speed limits. For the author, the image of these five tourists “accelerating....
131-140 of 211 documents < previous  |  next >