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101-110 of 211 documents < previous  |  next > 
101.   Students Protest the Introduction of Tuition Fees (April 1999)
The Action Alliance against Tuition Fees [Aktionsbündnis gegen Studiengebühren or ABS] formed in April 1999 to protest the Red-Green government’s apparent unwillingness to make good on its....
102.   The Kosovo War and the Greens (May 13, 1999)
Only six months after the start of the red-green coalition, the governing parties faced a litmus test. For the first time since the Second World War, the Federal Republic declared its readiness to....
103.   Fiftieth Anniversary of the Basic Law (May 28, 1999)
On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Basic....
104.   The Provisions of the New Citizenship Law (August 1999)
Despite conservative opposition, the red-green federal government coalition reformed the citizenship law by adding the principle of birth in Germany (jus soli) to the traditional principle....
105.   Environmental Minister Jürgen Trittin Supports Ecological Modernization (October 21, 1999)
Minister of the Environment Jürgen Trittin (Green Party) asks business and labor unions to work toward ecological modernization. In order to assuage fears about....
106.   Are Women the Losers of Unification? (October 1999)
On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the author – long-time editor of the periodical Deutschland Archiv – analyzes the present situation of women in the....
107.   Harmed the Party (December 22, 1999)
CDU general secretary Angela Merkel summarizes Helmut Kohl’s merits but also criticizes his role in the CDU party donations....
108.   A Hard-Hitting European Defense? (December 28, 1999)
The wars in the former Yugoslavia called European defense capability into question. In the following article, Lothar Rühl, former undersecretary of state in the Federal Ministry of Defense, analyzes....
109.   "Army of Unity" (2000)
There was no model for integrating members of the former East German National People’s Army [Nationale....
110.   A Jewish Newcomer in Berlin (2000)
Jewish satirist Wladimir Kaminer describes his own decision to emigrate from the Soviet Union to East Berlin, where he landed in the summer of 1990. Kaminer....
101-110 of 211 documents < previous  |  next >