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61.   Political Principles of the Social Democratic Party (May 1946)
Issued a few weeks after the merger of the SPD and the KPD in the Soviet occupation zone,....
62.   Control Council Law No. 32 on the Employment of Women in Building and Reconstruction Work (July 10, 1946)
As a result of the shortage of male workers and the poor state of the economy, women worked in areas previously reserved for men, even after 1945. Control Council Law No. 32 acknowledged this situation....
63.   U.S. Military Governor Joseph McNarney’s Statement to the Allied Control Council (July 20, 1946)
Although the Potsdam Conference had agreed that Germany would be treated as a single economic....
64.   OMGUS Survey on German Attitudes toward the Nuremberg Trials (1945-46)
The trial of the major German war criminals before the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg....
65.   Elisabeth Meyer-Spreckels, "Marriage and Family in the Constitution: Report to the Bavarian Constitutional Assembly" (August 14, 1946)
The constitutional debates of the postwar period revolved around the question of whether traditional Christian notions of marriage and family, which had shaped legal conditions in Germany up to that....
66.   "The Family – The Core of the Rebirth of Germany," Article by School Councilor G. Wolff, Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) of Germany (August 30, 1946)
In the face of the profound breakdown of German society from dictatorship and war and the deracination of survivors under the difficult living conditions of the postwar period, the bourgeois Liberal....
67.   The Problems of the Young Generation from the Perspective of an SED Functionary (September 1946)
In September 1946, SED youth functionary Paul Verner offered younger Germans a forceful summary of the devastating consequences of World War II and the collapse of the Third Reich – a large percentage....
68.   Stuttgart Speech ("Speech of Hope") by James F. Byrnes, United States Secretary of State (September 6, 1946)
Collaboration between the Allied victors became increasingly difficult as the year 1946 unfolded. Clashing ideas about Germany’s future paralyzed the work of the Allied....
69.   OMGUS Survey on Attitudes toward Expellees (September 13, 1946)
In the first months and years after the war, the need to provide for millions of refugees and expellees....
70.   OMGUS Survey on Worries and Hardship in Germany (May-October 1946)
Life in Germany in 1946 was still characterized by great material hardship. Surveys conducted in the American zone between May and October 1946 show that food shortages were still the most pressing....
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