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171-180 of 292 documents < previous  |  next > 
171.   Walter Pahl, Summary of Key Aspects of the Law Governing Codetermination in the Coal and Steel Industry (1951)
Unions celebrated the Bundestag’s affirmation of equal codetermination in the coal, iron, and steel industry in April 1951 as a partial victory. As a result of the decision, work directors [Arbeitsdirektoren]....
172.   The Immediate Tasks of Universities and Institutions of Higher Education: Resolution by the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party (February 1951)
At the beginning of the 1950s, East German higher education policy was shaped, on the one hand, by an urgent need for scientific-technical experts to advance the goals of the Five-Year Plan, and,....
173.   Resolution by the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, adopted at the Fifth Session (March 15-17, 1951)
In March 1951, the SED stepped up its campaign for a “radical turnaround in all areas of cultural life” and articulated basic principles of Stalinist cultural policy. Western art forms were rejected....
174.   Pastoral Sermon by Cardinal Frings against Die Sünderin (February 28, 1951)
In the postwar period, conservative-Christian moral ideas were slowly getting pushed aside, though the churches and certain segments of the political establishment and the public were still defending....
175.   Neues Deutschland Report on a Discussion about Realism and Formalism in the School of Applied Arts in Magdeburg (April 24, 1951)
This report on a discussion of certain works of art at the School of Applied Arts in Magdeburg, published in Neues Deutschland in April 1951, showed the concrete repercussions of Stalinist....
176.   Petition Submitted by the Federal Government to the Federal Constitutional Court Requesting a Ban on the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) (November 22, 1951)
It was clear that the drafters of the Basic Law had learned the lessons of Weimar: for example,....
177.   Article from Die Zeit about the Hamburg "Existenzialistenkellerchen" ["Existentialists' Cellar"] (1952)
In West Germany, new cultural forms found a home not only in Berlin, but also in other cities as well. In this article, journalist Wolfgang Menge reports in an ironic tone on the staid atmosphere....
178.   Occupational Breakdown of Refugee Movement in Percentages (1952-1961)
In the 1950s, massive numbers of refugees left the GDR and headed to West Berlin and the Federal....
179.   Soviet Draft of a German Peace Treaty – First "Stalin Note" (March 10, 1952)
At the end of the Second World War, tensions between the Western powers and the Soviet Union began gradually intensifying, and in 1950 Korea became the scene of the Cold War’s first military confrontation.....
180.   Three Telegrams from U.S. High Commissioner John McCloy to Secretary of State Dean Acheson regarding the "Stalin Note" (1952)
Adenauer’s reaction to the “Stalin Note” and to American efforts to ascertain his position....
171-180 of 292 documents < previous  |  next >