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131.   OMGUS Survey of Trends in German Public Opinion (1945-49)
After the economic upswing that followed the currency reform in the summer of 1948, concerns about the supply of food and consumer goods finally showed a noticeable decline. The currency reform was....
132.   On the Occupational Situation of Women after 1945 (1949)
This statistical overview demonstrates that, after World War II, German women were not employed evenly in all sectors of the economy, but worked mostly in domestic services. In social occupations....
133.   Recommendations for Promoting Women’s Work in East German Enterprises (1949)
These recommendations from the Thuringian Ministry for Labor and Social Affairs make clear that women’s work met with resistance in East Germany in early 1949. As the document suggests, the resistance....
134.   A Sudeten German Expellee Writes to the Resettlers Department of the State Government of Saxony (January 8, 1949)
The official policy of the SED in the Soviet occupation zone was to integrate resettlers into East German society as quickly as possible. The official line was that the state was providing them with....
135.   Die Neue Zeitung on the Public Discourse over the Problematic Issue of Equal Rights (January 13, 1949)
When the Basic Law was worked out in West Germany in 1949, gender equality was one of the....
136.   From the Resolution of the First Party Conference of the SED (January 28, 1949)
On January 28, 1949, the first party conference of the SED advocated the further development of the SED into a Leninist-Stalinist cadre party with centralized leadership by a Politburo and strict....
137.   Survey of German Attitudes toward Economic and Political Strikes (February 1949)
After twelve years of Nazi rule and nearly four years of Allied occupation, Germans were no longer familiar with strikes as an instrument of economic and political struggle. Although the attitude....
138.   Comments on the Resettler Problem: The Organization Department of the Central Secretariat of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (February 24, 1949)
It still had not been possible to fully integrate resettlers into East German society by 1949. An internal report by the Central Secretariat of the SED was particularly critical of the fact that....
139.   "Restitution for National Socialist Injustice": Article by Oberregierungsrat Ernst Heller in Die Neue Zeitung (March 19, 1949)
In the immediate postwar period, the public was still open to demands for restitution for Nazi victims, but public opinion changed over time. Personal losses brought about by the death of family....
140.   Decisions of the Conference of the Foreign Ministers of the Three Western Powers in Washington, DC (April 8, 1949)
The agreements reached in early April 1949 at the Washington conference of the foreign ministers of the three western powers regulated the future relationship between the occupying powers and the....
131-140 of 292 documents < previous  |  next >