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121.   Extracts from the British Military Government Law No. 61: First Law for Monetary Reform [Currency Law] (June 20, 1948)
The monetary reform agreed upon by the three Western powers for their zones in June 1948 is considered a milestone on the path to West Germany’s economic recovery. Inflation triggered by the war....
122.   Excerpt from the Currency Reform Resolution Passed by the Central Committee of the SED (June 22, 1948)
Like the Western occupation zones, the Soviet zone also needed to pass a currency reform to eliminate the excess of paper money left over from the Nazi period. On account of some previous fiscal....
123.   Excerpt from an Explanation of the Two-Year Plan for 1949/50 (June 30, 1948)
The Two-Year Plan of June 30, 1948, which laid out detailed plans for the economic development of the Soviet occupation zone/GDR for the years 1949 and 1950, took its economic cues from prewar figures.....
124.   Authorization for Convocation of a Constituent Assembly in the Trizone (July 1, 1948)
Beginning in February 1948, the Western Allies met in London for deliberations on Germany’s political and economic future and the still unresolved future status of the Ruhr region. Tensions between....
125.   The "Koblenz Decisions" of the West German Minister Presidents (July 10, 1948)
From July 8-10, 1948, the minister presidents of the West German Länder [federal states]....
126.   U.S. Delegation Minutes of the Meeting between the Western Military Governors and the German Minister Presidents regarding the German Reply to the London Documents (July 26, 1948)
What to call the West German constitution and how to ratify it were among the topics discussed in detail at a meeting between the West German minister presidents and the western military governors....
127.   Newspaper Commentary, "Where Clay is Wrong" (October 5, 1948)
In the fall of 1948, the military governor of the American zone, Lucius D. Clay, rejected German....
128.   OMGUS Survey: How do the Germans View the Lastenausgleich? (November 1948)
The equalization of financial burdens [Lastenausgleich] was enacted by the German Bundestag in 1952. Intended to balance out differences in the burdens imposed by the war on different population....
129.   Ulrich Scheuner, Remarks on the Legal Status of "Displaced Persons" in Germany (December 14-15, 1948)
In his capacity as an expert advisor to the Länderrat [Council of States], the conservative state law theorist Ulrich Scheuner argued against granting national minority status to foreign refugees....
130.   Neues Deutschland: Nihilism and Boogie Woogie at the "Badewanne" (1949)
After the war, the jazz club “Die Badewanne” [“The Bathtub”] in Berlin-Wilmersdorf hosted cabaret....
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