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31-40 of 214 documents < previous  |  next > 
31.   Oscar Müller, "The People and the Vote" (January 20, 1919)

32.   Otto Bauer, "The Nature of Rationalization" (1931)

33.   Platform of the Communist Party (1930)

34.   Platform of the German Democratic Party (1919)
A progressive liberal party, the German Democratic Party [Deutsche Demokratische Partei, or DDP) was....
35.   Platform of the Social Democratic Party (1921)
At the advent of the Weimar Republic, the Social Democratic Party of Germany [Sozialdemokratische Partei,....
36.   Principles of the German National People's Party (1920)

37.   Principles of the German People's Party (1919)
The German People’s Party (DVP) emerged in the early days of the Weimar Republic as the successor to....
38.   Reichstag Debate on the Versailles treaty (June 1919)

39.   The Signing of the Peace Treaty (1919)

40.   The Unemployment Insurance Bill (1927)

31-40 of 214 documents < previous  |  next >