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141-150 of 214 documents < previous  |  next > 
141.   Friendship Treaty between Germany and the Soviet Union (Berlin Treaty) (April 24, 1926)

142.   Fritz Lang, "The Future of the Feature Film in Germany" (1926)

143.   Stefan Großmann, "The Radio Critic" (1926)

144.   Grete Lihotzky, "Rationalization in the Household" (1926-27)
Austrian architect Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky (1897-2000) made design history with her Frankfurt Kitchen.....
145.   August Sander on Photography (1927)

146.   Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, "Painting, Architecture and Gesamtkunstwerk" (1927)

147.   Marie-Elisabeth Lüders, "A Construction, Not a Dwelling" (1927)

148.   Max Born on Physics in Göttingen in the 1920s and Early 1930s (Retrospective Account, 1975)
In the following piece, physicist and Nobel Laureate Max Born (1887-1970) recalls his activities at the University of Göttingen in the 1920s and early 1930s. A life-long friend of Albert....
149.   NSDAP Report on a Mass Rally in Berlin (February 1927)
After constant inner-party quarrels – in particular fights between the Gau leadership and the intentionally provocative local SA leadership – Joseph Goebbels was made Gau leader [Gauleiter]....
150.   Thomas Mann, "Culture and Socialism" (1927)
Thomas Mann (1875-1955), already a major public figure in Germany at the end of WWI, was neither an immediate supporter....
141-150 of 214 documents < previous  |  next >