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71.   Public Schools in Prussia (1864-1911/13)
School attendance rose dramatically in Prussia at the end of the nineteenth century. Industrialization, urbanization, and rising literacy rates were directly tied to educational advances. The traditional....
72.   Secondary School for Girls: Catholic and Protestant Girls’ Schooling (late 1880s-90s)
Else Strack recounts her childhood experiences at both Catholic and Protestant schools. Class played a great role, as did gender, in determining her educational experiences, which she criticizes....
73.   Secondary Schooling for Boys: Memories of a High School Student in the Upper Silesian Town of Gleiwitz on the Eve of the First World War (Retrospective Account)
Gottfried Berman Fischer critically recounts his experiences at a small-town Gymnasium, a type of secondary school that self-consciously emphasized the academic disciplines of antiquity. This....
74.   Prison Proposal [Zuchthausvorlage] (1899)
The German Reichstag deliberated over a bill in June of 1899 "for the protection of commercial labor relationships" ["zum Schutz der gewerblichen Arbeitsverhältnisse"], also known as the Prison Proposal....
75.   The Prussian Army and Domestic Unrest (April 30, 1907)
The Social Democratic Party (SPD) had been legalized in 1890 and was well represented in the Reichstag by the early twentieth century. Still, the Wilhelmine state vigilantly monitored any potential....
76.   Baron Hans Hermann von Berlepsch, "Why We Advocate Social Reform" (1903)
The growing conflict between the proletariat and bourgeoisie represented the most important political challenge since national unification in 1871. Here, Baron....
77.   Friedrich Naumann, New German Economic Policy (1906)
Friedrich Naumann (1860-1919) was a Protestant theologian and politician who sought to reconcile Christian values and....
78.   Max Weber on Social "Bureaucratization": Excerpt from a Debate at the Conference of the Association for Social Politics in Vienna (1909)
The sociologist Max Weber (1864-1920) warns here against the “bureaucratization” of German society. Weber had written....
79.   Social Insurance for the Lower Middle Class: Friedrich Sthamer’s Report on the First Reading of the Insurance Law for Clerical Employees in the Bundesrat (1911)
The Insurance Law for Clerical Employees [Versicherungsgesetz für Angestellte] stipulated a social insurance program for a hitherto marginal group of employees. The law guaranteed protection....
80.   Statistics on Health Insurance (1885-1914)
These statistics on health care illustrate the growing public welfare and health care services available in Wilhelmine Germany. Note the boom at the beginning of the twentieth century as reforms....
71-80 of 196 documents < previous  |  next >