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31.   The Cinema (1913)
In Germany, the advent of film was met with the same type of response found in England and France. The new medium piqued the interest of the public, yet also garnered critical derision. By creating....
32.   The Textile Workforce (1882-1925)
Women had long been a part of Germany’s economic development. In the early period of German industrialization, manufacturers utilized female labor in the countryside to avoid the urban guild system.....
33.   Gender and Occupation in Selected Industries (1895 and 1907)
Occupations were often gender-specific. Male laborers dominated the technical and engineering fields, whereas women were more prominent in the textile and clothing industries. Note how the number....
34.   Ernst Goldmann on the Legal Status of Women and a Husband’s Right to Punish His Wife (1904)
As in every European nation in the nineteenth century, men dominated German society. The subordinate role of women was starkly captured in their legally sanctioned positions vis-à-vis their husbands.....
35.   Helene Stöcker, "The Modern Woman" (1893)
Although women faced many legal and social barriers in Wilhelmine Germany, Helene Stöcker’s (1869-1943) “modern woman”....
36.   Elisabeth Flitner, "A Candle was burning on the Lectern Early in the Morning" (Retrospective)
Elisabeth Flitner’s description of her childhood captures the world of a solid, upper middle-class German family at the turn of the century. In addition to underscoring the importance of extended....
37.   Kurt Karl Doberer, "The Pfennig was the Heart of the Currency" (Retrospective)
Kurt Karl Doberer’s memories of childhood describe the daily life of a lower-middle class family solidly ensconced in the Social Democratic milieu and striving for self-improvement. One can see the....
38.   Poverty among the Rural Elderly (1906)
Although the state guaranteed a modicum of social security for its citizens, local communities were often responsible for the care of the poor, destitute and mendicant. Here, we see a conflict among....
39.   Confessional Breakdown of the German Population (1871 and 1910)
The confessional division of Germany between Protestant and Catholic is one of the defining features of modern German history. In the wake of the Reformation, political and confessional divisions....
40.   Friedrich Naumann, "What Does Christian-Social Mean?" (1894)
Friedrich Naumann (1860-1919) was a Protestant theologian and politician who sought to reconcile Christian values and....
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