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191-196 of 196 documents < previous  |   
191.   The Strikes of January 1918
The events in Russia in 1917 had signaled a turning point for the German Left. The Independent Socialists (USPD) accommodated both “Centrists,” who called for an immediate end to the war as a prelude....
192.   Thomas Mann, "Reflections of a Nonpolitical Man" (1918)
Thomas Mann (1875-1955) wrote the essay, “Reflections of a Nonpolitical Man,” during the First World War. A riposte to....
193.   Labor's Vision of Collective Bargaining (March 1918)
With the passage of the Auxiliary Service Law in 1916, labor unions were allowed to organize....
194.   The Third Supreme Army Command and German War Aims (May 11, 1918)
During the last two years of the war, the debates on war aims and domestic political reform associated a compromise peace with the end of a semi-authoritarian constitutional system. In the eyes of....
195.   The First German Note to President Woodrow Wilson (October 1918)
On September 29, 1918, Erich Ludendorff (1865-1937) told the Kaiser and the civilian leadership that the war was lost, and he instructed the civilian government to negotiate an immediate armistice.....
196.   Hunger: Ernst Gläser, Born in 1902 (1928)
Novelist, editor, and journalist Ernst Gläser (1902-1963) spoke for a troubled generation when he wrote Born in 1902. The novel became an international bestseller soon after it was published....
191-196 of 196 documents < previous  |