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141-150 of 196 documents < previous  |  next > 
141.   Erich von Falkenhayn on the Military Situation in Early 1916
Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg’s (1856-1921) notes from a conversation with General Erich....
142.   Erich von Falkenhayn's "Christmas Memorandum" (December 1915)
General Falkenhayn (1861-1922) sets the course for what became Germany’s central yet unattainable goal, namely, inflicting so much damage on England that the country would negotiate for an armistice.....
143.   Industrial Employment (1914-1919)
Mobilization for the war meant that men were drafted into military service and women stepped onto the factory floor. These figures on industrial employment during the war show that female workers....
144.   Ludwig Thoma, The First of August [Der erste August] (1915)
In this play, Ludwig Thoma (1867-1921) recreates the world of a small Bavarian village and its experience of the mobilization for war. Far away from the centers of political and economic power, the....
145.   Soldiers Describe Combat I: Eduard Schmieder (1914-1915)
The ebullient emotions in the opening months of the war quickly gave way to a longing for home. The constant fear of death plagued soldiers on the front lines. This soldier’s account of his dream....
146.   Soldiers Describe Combat II: Sophus Lange (1914-1915)
Sophus Lange reflects on becoming a soldier. He writes of lofty, unfulfilled expectations that contrast sharply with the monotony and exhaustion that characterized everyday life. The idealized vision....
147.   Soldiers Describe Combat III: Hans Stegemann (1914)
This young soldier’s letters suggest the attitude of German infantrymen at the front in the opening months of the war. With the promise of death and annihilation everywhere, Stegemann (1893-1916)....
148.   Soldiers Describe Combat IV: Max Beckmann (1915)
As a soldier, the artist Max Beckmann (1884-1950) experienced the First World War near the front....
149.   Soldiers Describe Combat V: Peter Hammerer (1916)
The psychological stresses of war affected the fighting ability of as many as 600,000 German soldiers. Here, Peter Hammerer is evaluated by a military court for his apparent psychotic or unlawful....
150.   The Evolution of Men’s and Women’s Employment (1914-1918)
The wartime economy changed the basic composition and dynamics of labor in Germany. Able-bodied men were recruited into military service during the war, while more and more women stepped in to take....
141-150 of 196 documents < previous  |  next >