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121-130 of 196 documents < previous  |  next > 
121.   The Schlieffen Plan (1905)
Alfred von Schlieffen (1833-1913) had a long and distinguished military career, having fought as an....
122.   The Nationalists Mobilize on Behalf of the Army: An Appeal by the German Army League (February 1912)
The German Army League [Deutscher Wehrverein] was founded to promote the expansion of the German army. It had a loud voice in the parliamentary debates of 1912 and 1913, during which significant....
123.   The Official Responsibility: The Treaty of Versailles, Article 231 (June 28, 1919)
Among other things, the Treaty of Versailles laid the blame for the First World War on German aggression in 1914. During the Weimar era, this much hated pronouncement became a rallying cry for right-wing....
124.   The "War Council" (December 1912)
Those who argue that Germany planned a war of aggression in 1914 have cited this meeting as evidence. In the following account of the “War Council” meeting, Chief of the General Staff Helmuth Johann....
125.   The "Blank Check": Ladislaus Count von Szögyény-Marich (Berlin) to Leopold Count von Berchtold (July 5, 1914)
The assassination of the heir apparent to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Franz Ferdinand, by a Serbian....
126.   Germany and the Ultimatum: Heinrich von Tschirschky and Bögendorff (Vienna) to Gottlieb von Jagow (July 10, 1914)
This memorandum from Heinrich von Tschirschky and Bögendorff (1858-1916), the German ambassador in Vienna, to his superior in Berlin, Foreign Minister Gottlieb von Jagow (1863-1935), illustrates....
127.   The Army Intervenes in the Crisis: Helmuth J. L. von Moltke to Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg (July 29, 1914)
General von Moltke pushed for preemptive German mobilization against Russia. He accepted the likelihood that this step would bring the French into the fray. Moltke regarded a two-front war as inevitable.....
128.   Inside the Exhibition Hall of a Steel Works (1902)
Steel manufacturing was one of the main engines of economic growth in Wilhelmine Germany. Firms like Krupp,....
129.   Catholics in the Public Sector (1907)
Many disparities grew out of the confessional divide between Catholics and Protestants. The....
130.   German Industrial Production (1912-1918)
This table shows the lack of raw materials for German industry. After 1913, German output fell in every major production category. This development had wide-reaching implications for the German war....
121-130 of 196 documents < previous  |  next >