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Ernst Henrici Addresses Berlin Antisemites in the Reichshall Meeting: A Report in the Tribune (December 1880)

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“A long time ago already, Professor Rohling offered a reward of 1000 Thalers to anyone providing evidence that these sentences are not in the Talmud.” (Thunderous applause and terrible racket. Shouting: “When it comes to Professor Rohling, any destraint is futile!” Repeated brawls in the back of the hall.) Dr. Henrici: “But no one has earned these 1000 Thalers yet, no matter how greedy the Jews might otherwise be.” (Thunderous applause and racket.) The speaker reported how “in many cases, Jews had cheated Christians out of their property in the most brazen way.” Whenever Christians do anything similar, the speaker continued, the only thing to blame for it is the Jewish spirit that has been introduced into our Christian German people by Jews. (Thunderous applause and racket.) Our financial circumstances have undergone fundamental changes; wealth is increasingly concentrated in the hands of Jews. (Applause and racket.) Some time ago, the Jew Mendel Mannheimer donated 100,000 marks to the Jewish workers’ pension institution on the occasion of his silver wedding anniversary. (Hear! Hear!) Just consider how incredibly rich this Jew must be. (Shouting: Damned Jew, Yiddish wheeler and dealer!) I ask you, is this a healthy state of affairs? (No, no, this is a Jewish state of affairs!) But I would like very much to tell you by which means the Jew Mendel Mannheimer has acquired such an incredible fortune. You see, the coat seamstresses he employs earn only four Thalers. (Racket.) It is a well-known fact that the Jews completely dominate the textile industry. A collar seamstress who really applies herself barely earns one mark a day. (Shouting: Outrageous!) If you oppress your workers so much, you can easily give away 100,000 marks all in one go. The Jew has no ideals: his ideal is earning money. (Shouting: Very true! Absolutely right!) For money, the Jew sacrifices his good reputation and his honor. (Applause and racket.) Old Rothschild once said: “Anyone who takes away my money, takes away my honor, for my money is my honor.” (Terrible racket.) These days you see a lot of black-haired Christians in Germany. You see, because of their plentiful money the Jews are in a position to buy Christian girls to satisfy their desires, thus the black hair of many Christians. (Tumultuous hilarity and applause.) The speaker then told a story about a Jewish merchant who had a “pretty Christian-German clothing designer” he tried to seduce with great promises and presents. But when the Christian girl turned him down, he dismissed her. The founder of the “Alliance internationale israélite” [sic.], the now deceased Jew Cremieux in Paris, who, before he moved to France, may have been called “Krämer,”* (laughter) once said: “Israel is advancing with giant strides.” Indeed, we can see every day how true this Jew’s statement really is. Almost all of Germany is already under Jewish influence. “Because of the important holidays, my shop will remain closed.” – Such notices can be seen hanging on most shops on a number of days, usually in September. I ask you: What kind of holidays are these? (Shouting: Of the Jewish wheelers and dealers!) The Jewish humor magazine, the Kladderadatsch, has the audacity to write: “This paper appears daily with the exception of weekdays.” And do you know when this paper appears? “On the Sabbath.” (Tumultuous hilarity and racket.) Yes, on the Sabbath, even though it is dated with Sunday. In the year 9 A.D., the Teutons said: We no longer let the foreign Romans sit in judgment of us; we can pass judgment on our people ourselves. Today, over 1,800 years later, we have to put up with Jews passing

* A play on the German word for “grocer” and “petty person” – trans.

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