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Werner von Siemens' Enterprise (1872)

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II. The Workers' Reaction: A Company Foreman

Because operating the machines mainly required training ordinary workers – if at all possible those among the established staff – and putting them on piece-work, the so-called “American hall” soon became the target of bitter Socialist attacks. Employees simply did not like the massive acceleration of the work process. It took a long time for the old artisans in the workshop to resign themselves to it.

Source: Recollections of the foreman Jacobi [Werner von Siemens-Institut, Munich] cited in Jürgen Kocka, Unternehmensverwaltung und Angestelltenschaft am Beispiel Siemens 1847-1914 [The Siemens Business Administration and Workforce 1847-1914]. Stuttgart: Klett, 1969, p. 126.

Reprinted in Gerhard A. Ritter and Jürgen Kocka, eds., Deutsche Sozialgeschichte 1870-1914. Dokumente und Skizzen [German Social History 1870-1914. Documents and Sketches], 3rd ed. München: C.H. Beck, 1982, pp. 151-52.

Translation: Erwin Fink

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