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Financing the Upbringing and Education of a Bourgeois Family (1860-1890)

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b) The expenses for raising and educating the three sons were as follows:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Support until Abitur-exam

Allowance during professional training Accommodation in the parental home during professional training Sum of 1-3: overall costs from birth to completion of professional training
Marks Marks Marks Marks
First son 13,713 10,076 9,877 33,666
Second son 18,580 16,762 2,784


Third son 26,277 11,786 10,746 48,809
Sum 135,691

The total of all expenses during the 31 years of reporting was 415,321 marks; accordingly, 31.8 % of total expenses were required for the education and professional training of the three sons.

The level of the sons' standard of living during this entire period is illuminated by the detailed treatment of all expenses above. Initially accustomed to a simple lifestyle, during the last two thirds of the entire reported period they enjoyed the pleasures of a comfortable, in many ways even distinguished, bourgeois existence resembling that of patricians. However, their lives did not bear any touch of aristocracy or great capital whatsoever. As students they did not join any fraternities or any expensive cavalry regiments as one-year volunteers; they pursued no expensive sports, did not go on any great journeys. Their lives unfolded in a strictly delineated bourgeois sphere. Therefore, the table above allows for valid general conclusions about the cost of university studies. For the respective professions and time periods, the costs calculated above undoubtedly represent about the average expense a young man from a respected bourgeois family would require. However, in all of this the fact has to be considered that due to extraordinary achievement the school days of the eldest son were shortened by one year compared to the norm, while the younger jurist took two years longer due to unfavorable circumstances.

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