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The General Law Code for the Prussian States, Part II.2: "Of the Mutual Rights and Obligations of Parents and Children" (1794)

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§ 64. Both spouses, through joint efforts, are responsible for the appropriate care and rearing of the children.

§ 65. However, it is mainly the father who has to provide for the cost of feeding the children.

§ 66. As long as the children require it, hygiene and grooming have to be taken care of by the mother or under her supervision.

§ 67. A healthy mother is obliged to breastfeed her child.

§ 68. How long she breastfeeds depends on the father’s decision, however.

§ 69. Should the mother’s or the child’s health suffer from his decision, however, the father has to yield to the verdict of the experts.

§ 70. Until after the child’s fourth year the father cannot remove the child from the mother’s care and supervision against her will.

§ 71. An exception is made if the mother lacks the strength or will to fulfill her obligations.

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2) Regarding child rearing and education.

§ 74. The manner in which the child is to be raised is primarily the father’s decision.

§ 75. First and foremost, he has to ensure that the child receives the proper instruction in religious and useful matters as befits his class and social circumstances.

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3) The rights of parental discipline.

§ 86. The parents are entitled to use all compulsory means unharmful to the child’s health for its education.

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5) The parents’ rights and obligations in choosing a life for their children.

§ 109. Determining the future life of the sons is at the father’s discretion.

§ 110. However, he must take the son’s inclinations, talents, and physical circumstances into primary consideration.

§ 111. Until after his fourteenth year the son has to obey his father’s command though.

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