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Introduction of the Excise Tax in the Towns of Brandenburg (April 15, 1667)

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8. Slaughtered domestically
Per ox: 12 groschen
Per cow: 7 groschen, 6 pfennigs
Per hog fattened: 3 groschen
Per hog unfattened: 1 groschen, 6 pfennigs
sheep: 1 groschen
suckling young lamb or goat: 6 pfennigs

9. Cattle
Per milch cow (annually): 6 groschen
Per 25 sheep or goats milch or for breeding: 6 groschen

10. Salt
Per ton: 4 groschen

11. Seed corn
Per bushel of hard corn: 1 groschen
Per long ton: 1 thaler
Per bushel of soft corn: 8 pfennigs
Per long ton: 16 groschen

12. Craftsmen and skilled artisans, fishermen, boatmen, carriers, etc., quarterly
Master: 1 thaler 12 groschen
A worker hired by the year [Michelhandwerker]: 1 thaler
A worker hired by the day [Taglöhner]: 12 groschen
A journeyman: 2 groschen

2. The local magistrate shall apportion the taxation exactly and equitably; but it shall not be imposed on craftsmen and unskilled workers until a real improvement can be expected out of the general funds, whereafter they, with the merchants and keepers of shops and stalls, must contribute, as above, to the general tax on all transactions and commodities, but the journeymen must pay their contribution as from June 1.

3. The State agents or magistrates in each place are therefore to be vigilant that the taxes on the specified articles are duly paid, and that there is no evasion; and any article on which the excise has not been paid is to be confiscated forthwith and one-fourth of the value given to the informer, while the remainder is set toward the exchequer.

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