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The Turkish Defeat at Vienna (September 12, 1683)

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During these hot Skirmishes on the Mountains, the Christians lost near 100 Men, among whom the Serjeant Major of the Regiment of Schultz, Prince Maurice of Croy, Captain of the Regiment of Grana, the Prince his Brother, Mareshal Lieutenant of the Field, was wounded there in his Shoulder: They fired then continually against the Approaches and Batteries of the Turks, with the Artillery from our Bastions and Ramparts; the Besiegers, animated by the presence of the Grand Visier, answered vigorously from theirs, and great Vollies of Musquets were discharged from both sides, intermingled with great quantities of Granado’s. The Grand Visier, who was in the Approaches, gave them hopes of carrying the place; Prince Lewis of Baden and Collonel Heusler entred their Trenches, at the same time Count Staremburgh sallied and seconded them, and repulsed the Janizaries, who saved themselves, with the Grand Visier, whose Son was either killed or taken Prisoner, and himself wounded, as ’tis said. Of late the Enemy had not shot so many Bombs nor Stones, nor Fire-works, as they did that Sunday Morning when our Men descended from the Hills towards the Scotch and Melk Bastions, upon which there stood a great many People to see from a-far our Descent and the Combat; but they observed the Enemy did but little Hurt. Towards the Evening the Turks seeing the Christians Masters of their Camp over against the Scotch Bastion, and that our Cavalry had entred it, planted Two Pieces of Cannon and shot against them, a while after, seeing themselves surprized, they quitted their Approaches and all their Artillery, consisting of Seventy five Pieces of Cannon, Fourteen Cannons for Battery, and some Mortar Pieces being comprized therein. At the same time there happened a Skirmish in the Camp with the Janizaries, who were come out of the Trenches, but they made no great resistance, and like Cowards ran away.

In the Night the Christians made themselves Masters of all the Turks Camp. Afterwards Four Companies of our Foot entred into the Enemies Approaches with Torches and lighted Straw, but found nothing but Dead Bodies; they took possession of the Enemies Artillery, some whereof were brought into the City. All the night long we saw Fires at a distance, the Turk having fired as many of their Camps as so sudden a flight would give them leave, and retreated from the Island by favour of a Bridge which they had made below the River, upon one of the Arms of the Danube, the Christians having seized the Bridge above, on the same River.

On Monday Morning we saw all the Camps and Fields covered with Souldiers as well Poles as Germans. The City was relieved on Sunday about Five of the Clock in the Afternoon, and every bodies curiosity carried them to see the Camp, after they had been shut up above two Months.

The King of Poland having in the mean time with the greatest Vigor repulsed the Enemy on his side and put them to flight, leaving the Plunder of their Camp behind them, which consisted of a very Rich Tent of the Grand Visier, his Colours, Two Poles with the Horse Tails, their usual Signal of War, and his Guidon or Standard, set with Diamonds, his Treasure designed for the Payment of the Army, and in short, all his Equipage was possess’d by the Polanders. As for the rest of the Tents, Baggage, Artillery, Ammunition, and Provisions enough to load Eight thousand Waggons, was divided among our Army.

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