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Emperor Joseph II, Instructions to all State Officials on the Principles Governing the Fulfillment of their Duties (December 13, 1783)

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This is what I find I must make known to everyone, so that the very important work of state administration will be led to its essential final purpose by everyone who is used for that purpose.

Source of original German text: The Austrian Central Administration, Section 2: Von der Vereinigung der Österreichischen und Böhmischen Hofkanzlei bis zur Einrichtung der Ministerialverfassung (1749–1848) [From the Union of the Austrian and Bohemian Chancellery to the Establishment of a Ministerial Constitution (1749–1848)]. Vol. 4: Die Zeit Josephs II. und Leopolds II. (1780–1792) [The Era of Joseph II and Leopold II (1780–1792)]. Documents. Edited by Friedrich Walter. Vienna: Holzhausen, 1950, pp. 23-32.

Reprinted in Helmut Neuhaus, ed., Zeitalter des Absolutismus 1648-1789 [The Era of Absolutism, 1648-1789], Deutsche Geschichte in Quellen und Darstellung, edited by Rainer A. Müller, volume 5. Stuttgart: P. Reclam, 1997, pp, 438-52.

Translation: Thomas Dunlap

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