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The "Koblenz Decisions" of the West German Minister Presidents (July 10, 1948)

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6. Direct administration will be exercised by the Occupying Authorities for the temporary conduct of foreign affairs; nevertheless, German representation abroad for the protection of economic and trade interests will be permitted. The heads of such German offices abroad have a legal status corresponding to that of a Consul.

7. Measures to be taken by the Occupying Authorities are in principle limited to general supervision of the activity of German organs. In regard to German foreign trade the right of control may be exercised, but only in so far as there is reason to fear that the obligations which the Occupying Powers have undertaken in relation to Germany are not being observed, or that the means placed at Germany’s disposal are not being used in an appropriate manner. Such control shall not extend to deciding whether German measures are technically correct and appropriate.

Furthermore, such control may be concerned with the safeguarding of German reparations obligations still in force, for observing the regulations defining the level of German industry, for carrying out decartelization, for disarmament and demilitarization and for scrutinizing such activities of scientific research as served the German war economy.

The powers of an International Ruhr Authority are not the subject of this statute.

8. Instructions within the framework of the above provisions will be issued only by the highest organs of the Occupying Authorities and only to the highest German territorial authority.

9. The right of veto shall only be brought to bear against a duly enacted German law if it is likely to endanger the realization of the purpose of the occupation. Unless within twenty-one days of the enactment of law the Military Governors acting together do not object to it, the law enters into force.

10. In the sphere of democratization of political and social life, and of education, the Occupying Authorities will limit themselves to observation, advice and assistance.

11. The independence as well as the territorial and material universality (territoriale und sachliche Universalität) of German judicature is acknowledged.

12. The jurisdiction of occupation courts is limited to:
a) Non-German members of the Occupying Forces and the occupation administration and members of their families;
b) Crimes and offences against the security of property of the Occupying Powers or against their personnel.

13. For litigation between Germans and members of the Occupation Powers mixed courts shall be established.

Universal human rights as well as civil rights and freedoms shall be guaranteed to the German population, also in its relations with the organs of the Occupying Powers.

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