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Excerpt from a Training Guide by SS-Sturmbannführer Paul Zapp on the "Jewish Question" (end of 1940)

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The essence of a Volk is evident from its festivals and its customs. Judaism is incapable of developing the beautiful or of creating achievement. This is reflected in the Jewish festivals.

[ . . . ]

After the Jewish murder of Gesandschaftsrat vom Rath, the measures of November 9/20, 1938, and the legal regulations passed in their wake brought about the dissolution of all Jewish organizations, the complete elimination of Jewry from economic life.

The Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland becomes the central organ of all of Jewry in Germany and uses the Jewish religious communities as the executive organs.

The Jewish question thus seems to have been resolved. Its resolution was prepared by a number of relevant
laws [:]

1.) Law on the Restoration of the Civil Service

2.) Law against the Overcrowding of Schools and Universities

3.) Law on the Admission of Jews to the Liberal Professions

4.) Editor Law

5.) Reich Chamber of Culture Law

6.) Hereditary Farm Law

7.) Law about Admission to the Profession of Apothecary

Crowned by the Nuremberg Laws and a large number of ministerial and police ordinances and decrees [.]

Another Jewification of the Volk is prevented by the race laws and the marriage regulations for Mischlinge - spiritual and economic Jewification ruled out by the legislation since 1938.

The complete solution to the Jewish question will only be achieved, however, if the question of world Jewry has been solved.

[ . . . ]

The complete settling of the Jewish question can be contemplated only once we have succeeded in delivering a decisive blow to world Jewry. The political and diplomatic leadership of Adolf Hitler has laid the foundation for the European solution to the Jewish question. From here the lever for the solution to the question of world Jewry will have to be applied.

Source: U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD, T-175 / Roll 15 / Image 2518530-42; reprinted in Jürgen Matthias, Konrad Kwiet, Jürgen Förster, and Richard Breitman, eds., Ausbildungsziel Judenmord? Weltanschauliche Erziehung von SS, Polizei, und Waffen-SS im Rahmen der 'Endlösung.' Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 2003, pp. 188-90.

Translation: Thomas Dunlap

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